Ebay Success

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Ebay Success Articles

eBay Auction Descriptions That REALLY Sell

Headline That Attracts.. The first thing you need to do is attract people to your auction. The more the merrier. Yes?

You need two main ingredients. Keyword and big benefit.

Your keyword will be the main word that people will search on to find your item. But you need a big benefit aswell to ensure they select YOUR auction and not someone elses.

Powerful Opening Paragraph
Then you need a very strong powerful paragraph to get someone interested enough to read the rest of your auction. And if you make sure it really gets their heart beating faster they're almost guaranteed to buy. They way to do this is by getting them to see themselves already owning your item. Getting them to test drive it, if you like.

If you can, try to get testimonials from people who've owned this item. They could either be a past customer of yours or someone writing about very something similar to your item. If they happen to be famous, well!

Testimonials are other people selling your item. It's very powerful and it creates belief in the quality of what your offering.

List Of What You Get
If this is done right it should sell your item on it's own power.

Everybody likes lists because it's easy to see what you get. Make sure you've got one in every auction. And I don't mean a list of boring features like...

22ct gold
Water resistant
Sekonda make

I mean a list of the benefits...

Look good with this prestigious 22ct gold watch
Don't worry if it's get wet it's water resistant
Know you've always got the right time (Sekonda is accurate)

A benefit is what a feature does for someone. Try to find as many of these as possible. There are certain techniques which are BRILLIANT at finding out the benefits in any item that REALLY SELL! One that I show in my book is particularly effective and quick at this task.

Fantastic Offer Only A Moron Could Refuse
Try to make what you offer your customer well worth the price you're offering. Again, there are ways of making your offer irresistable by adding to it.

Motivating Call To Action
This is where most people fail. They just describe their item and that's it. Sorry! If you want people to bid you've got to write a motivating short paragraph at the end. Tell them why they should buy.

There you have it. Good luck!

by: Ian Stables

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