Kitchen Chemists Cookbook
Im currently compiling a complete set of instructions for converting injectables
(both oil and water based), capping orals and making liquid orals as well. The
Instructions will be updated periodically, some with pictures as well. Enjoy!
--There are a few myths floating around the boards about conversions. First off,
nothing is sterile until we filter the product, and it need not be. You do not
need to purchase sterile oil, sterile BA, or sterile BB. You do need to purchase
sterile vials for the final product, sterile syringes and sterile syringe
--Oil can be purchased at the grocery store. Look for thin oils such as walnut,
peanut (make sure you're not allergic!), grapeseed. Other oils that work well
are seasame, cottonseed. I recommend grapeseed for the additional health
benefits. Remember nothing is sterile at this point, and thats ok!
--BA and BB are (as of 1/2/05) best purchased at *********. You can buy
yourself a lifetime supply of both for less than $30 USD. While you're there
pick up a bomex beaker, at least 120ml.
--Syringe filters are easy to find, buy them wherever the price is right. Look
for 0.45micron filters, with a diameter of at least 20mm. Manufactures such as
Whatman, Millex, and PCI scientific make good filters.
--KEEP SOLUTION WARM while filtering. It'l make your life a lot easier.
Testosterone Enanthate, Euquipoise, Deca
These raw hormones are soluable in oil alone. They need no additional solvents,
but for antimicrobial puposes BA (benzyl alcohol) is used.
Items Needed for a 10 gram conversion:
-10 grams test enanthate, deca, or EQ
-0.80ml benzyl alcohol (2% BA)
-31.20ml oil
-Syringes 3cc & 5cc or 10cc
-20 gauge needles
-Mixing vial (or preferably beaker)
-Sterile vial
-Sterile syringe filter
1) Weigh out 10 grams of hormone into mixing vial or beaker.
2) Add benzyl alcohol and 26.20cc of oil. (This will leave 5cc oil for later.)
3) Place on stovetop (electric stove) or frying pan (gas stove) on medium high
4) Swirl and heat until soultion is completely homogeneous and clear. NO hormone
"swirls" or visible separation should be left.
5) Place 20g needle in sterile vial and attach syringe filter.
6) Place another needle through stopper to releave pressure
7) Draw out hormone solution with 5 or 10cc syringe and run it through the
syringe filter until all solution is filtered.
8) Run the addition 5cc of saved oil from step 2 through syringe filter to
This conversion results in 40ml - 250mg/ml sterile solution for injection.
Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Boldenone Propionate
These raw hormones are not soluable in oil alone (at STP). They have higher melting points and sport relatively short esters. They need additional solvents.
We will use BA as an antimicrobial and BB as our cosolvent.
Items Needed for a 10 gram conversion:
-10 grams testosterone Propionate, Tren Acetate, or Boldenone Propionate
-2.0ml benzyl alcohol (2% BA)
-20.0ml benzyl benzoate (20% BB)
-70.0ml oil
-Syringes 3cc & 5cc or 10cc
-20 gauge needles
-Mixing vial (or preferably beaker)
-Sterile vial
-Sterile syringe filter
1) Weigh out 10 grams of hormone into mixing vial or beaker.
2) Add benzyl alcohol and 65.0cc of oil. (This will leave 5cc oil for later.)
3) Place on stovetop (electric stove) or frying pan (gas stove) on medium high
4) Swirl and heat until soultion is completely homogeneous and clear. NO hormone
"swirls" , crystals, or visible separation should be left.
5) Place 20g needle in sterile vial and attach syringe filter.
6) Place another needle through stopper to releave pressure
7) Draw out hormone solution with 5 or 10cc syringe and run it through the
syringe filter until all solution is filtered.
8) Run the addition 5cc of saved oil from step 2 through syringe filter to
This conversion results in 100ml - 100mg/ml sterile solution for injection.
Trenbolone Enanthate, testosterone Cypionate
These raw hormones are not soluable in oil alone (at STP). Though they have
relatively long esters, they will need additional solvents. We will use BA as an
antimicrobial and BB as our cosolvent.
Items Needed for a 10 gram conversion:
-10 grams testosterone Cypionate or Tren Enanthate
-0.80ml benzyl alcohol (2% BA)
-8.00ml benzyl benzoate (20% BB)
-23.20ml oil
-Syringes 3cc & 5cc or 10cc
-20 gauge needles
-Mixing vial (or preferably beaker)
-Sterile vial
-Sterile syringe filter
1) Weigh out 10 grams of hormone into mixing vial or beaker.
2) Add benzyl alcohol and 18.2cc of oil. (This will leave 5cc oil for later.)
3) Place on stovetop (electric stove) or frying pan (gas stove) on medium high
4) Swirl and heat until soultion is completely homogeneous and clear. NO hormone
"swirls" , crystals, or visible separation should be left.
5) Place 20g needle in sterile vial and attach syringe filter.
6) Place another needle through stopper to releave pressure
7) Draw out hormone solution with 5 or 10cc syringe and run it through the
syringe filter until all solution is filtered.
8) Run the addition 5cc of saved oil from step 2 through syringe filter to
This conversion results in 40ml - 250mg/ml sterile solution for injection