Beginner Powerlifting Program
Max Effort Squat:
1) Max Effort Movement: (Squat or Deadlift Variation:1-3rm, followed by rep
work; ex.2x3@80%)
2) Supplemental: Some sort of pull (deadlifts, straight leg deadlifts, Romanian
deadlifts, rack pulls, 1-5rm)
3) Accessory: (hamstrings, lower back, abs ??? pick a handful of exercises for 2-4
sets of 10 reps each)
??? Glute Ham Raises
??? Pullthroughs
??? Hyperextensions
??? Reverse Hypers
??? Lat Pulldowns
??? Hip Abductions
??? Abs/obliques
4) Sled Dragging
Max Effort Bench:
1) Max Effort Movement: (Bench Variation) 1rm, followed by rep work; ex.2x3@80%)
2) Supplemental: Triceps (Board/Floor Presses, 1-3rm)
3) Accessories: (shoulders, lats, triceps, biceps)
??? Overhead Work
??? Barbell Rows
??? Dumbell Tricep Extensions
??? Biceps
Speed Squat Day:
1) Speed Box Squats: 12 sets of 2 reps with 60% best box squat. Very fast and
good form. ??? at the end work up some if you feel good. ??? 60 sec rest between
2) Supplemental: Goodmornings: 5rm
3) Accessory: (hamstrings, lower back, abs ??? pick a handful of exercises for 2-4
sets of 10 reps each)
??? Glute Ham Raises
??? Pullthroughs
??? Hyperextensions
??? Reverse Hypers
??? Lat Pulldowns
??? Hip Abductions
??? Abs/obliques
4) Sled Dragging
Speed Bench Day:
1) Speed Bench: 9 sets of 3 reps with 60% best bench press. Very fast and good
form ??? 60 sec rest between sets
2) Supplemental: Close grip bench for a 5rm
3) Accessories: (medial delts, lats, triceps, biceps)
??? Pull-ups or Lat Pulldowns
??? Dumbell Tricep Extensions
??? Rear & Medial Delts: Shrugs, High Pulls, Dumbell Cleans, Lateral Raises,
Face Pulls ??? (pick 1-2 exercises for 4-6 sets total)
??? Biceps
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