Ethyl Oleate ~ some basic info on using it
Basic info on using ethyl oleate as a carrier for stort estered steroids like popionate or for higher than normal concentrations of steroids per ml
the rest Oil
Testosterone propionate, 200mg/ml, 3%BA, 20%BB, the rest ethyl oleate, painless, for me, and most
The same formula can be used with trenbolone acetate, Masteron, or a 200mg combo of any of
the above, all pain free.
from whitey
There's been a lot of confusion over ethyl oleate, and for good reason I think. There have
been a wide mix of good and bad experiences with ethyl oleate based brews. And while I've
written some thoughts about this on several other boards like
www.worldclassbodybuilding.com, at length, I just
recently shared these thoughts with a bro here at WCBB. I'm sure much of this has
been said, but perhaps this can do some good in the way of setting expectations
properly on what can be achieved with ethyl oleate.
Here's my theory on ethyl oleate and Testosterone propionate, in a nutshell:
It's not a silver bullet. People respond differently to prop than others. Some
people are okay with it, some people not, some people really not.
ethyl oleate slows the release of Testosterone propionate into the system, and stabilizes the solution in the
injection site. This helps prevent crashing, and reduces pain significantly by
providing a smooth sustained release. But, bottom line, prop is still getting
released in your system. Therefore, if you are super sensitive to prop, you'll
still have some pain, although with a good formulation, it should be greatly
reduced. If you're not very sensitive to Testosterone propionate, on the other hand, you may be
able to run it painlessly, or even at very high concentrations, with the
addition of ethyl oleate. This is why you have such a variance of results being reported
right now.
I think most people would be able to tolerate a 50mg/ml viromone-type
concentration pretty well. And if you're a sensitive type, I'd recommend
starting there, or at 75mg. 100mg is a good place to start, from the standpoint
that it is easier to add solvents to lower the concentration, than to go the
other way. But, in a nutshell, ethyl oleate improves pain by let's say 50 or maybe even
75%, but if prop absolutely kills you, maybe it will only mame you with ethyl oleate.
It's still very much an individual thing, dependent on the individual's response
to a particular compound/ester, and the concentration at which that individual
attempts to use that compound
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