Bodybuilding fitness aerobic and cardio articles
Both the anaerobic and aerobic systems are utilized during training and athletic performance. The extent to which each system is used depends upon the activity or sport participated in, and they will all fall along an Energy Continuum.
Therefore the athlete has to ensure that they train both power systems to maximize their athletic performance. This article will discuss the different methods used to train both systems in order to increase the anaerobic and aerobic capacity of the athlete.
Anaerobic training enhances the anaerobic metabolic capacity of the muscle fibres that are being trained, thus increasing the ability of the athlete to train, and therefore perform at higher exercise intensity.
Anaerobic training is achieved through Sprint - speed, and/or Power training such as crosfit.
The Jump Rope Workout Jumping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise. It's one of the foundations of a boxer's conditioning program
The Aerobic Myth Dr. Kenneth Cooper pioneered the premise that aerobic training improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, and in so doing creates a more vibrant individual.
The Machinery and Mechanics of Speed Improvement question that is posed by every coach we meet: "What do you do for speed improvement?" good running mechanics * not for expensive toys and gimmicks
Maximizing Aerobic Potential the vast majority of attention to research related to the results of aerobic exercises, exercises performed for the purpose of improving cardiovascular condition.
Does Cardio Make You Lose Muscle Yes, it's true. It's a scientifically proven fact that muscle proteins are broken down and used for energy during aerobic exercise. But don't worry, you are constantly breaking down and re building muscle tissue anyway.
Morning Fat Burn Even though morning cardio has been embraced by bodybuilders as a "tried and true" fat loss technique, there is definitely not a unanimous agreement about its effectiveness, especially in the scientific community.
The Best Exercise for Losing Weight Researchers from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece found that a brisk walk is better than a fast run when it comes to weight loss, although higher intensity workouts will result in more muscle mass, reports Reuters Health.
The truth about ab workouts What you are about to read is what the people from the ab informercials don't want you to read. What you are about to read is all 100% true
Exercise Myths some old fitness fictions, such as �no pain, no gain� and �spot reducing� are fading fast, plenty of popular exercise misconceptions still exist. Here are some of the most common myths as well as the not-so-common facts based on current exercise research.
Training The Abs Abdominals usually come last in the thoughts of today's body builders. Yet, nothing sets off a physique any better than a rippling, "cut-up" midsection and exercising it will build internal fitness as well
Ab Training Season Ab Season has arrived. As warm weather approaches people from around the world rush to gyms in quest of the ultimate six pack
Cardio in the Morning Most competitive bodybuilders are die-hard advocates of doing cardio first thing in the morning before eating their first meal. They believe it will cause them to mobilize more stored body fat and increase their metabolic rate all day long
Does Cardio Make You Lose Muscle? Yes, it is true. It's a scientifically proven fact that muscle proteins are broken down and used for energy during aerobic exercise. But don't worry, you are constantly breaking down and re building muscle tissue anyway
Dealing with Love handles And remember, smart eating is essential, too. If you have a layer of fat in that region, as opposed to untoned muscles, all the oblique exercises in the world will not firm it up. You will have to lose the extra weight as well.
The Arobic Myth Dr. Kenneth Cooper pioneered the premise that aerobic training improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, and in so doing creates a more vibrant individual
Killer Abs Whether you are after the elusive 6-pack, or just looking to lose a bit of extra luggage you're carrying around the mid-section, there are 3 key areas you need to focus on to achieve maximum abdominal development.