A Trick For Getting Ripped Quick!
I know spring is right around the corner and a lot of guys have spent hours in
the gym. Here's a little trick to use for an up and coming pool party or spring
This is only a small portion of what bodybuilders use to help get cut before
competition, but it will be valuable to try for fuller muscles and even more
The only factor is you already have to be pretty lean to get the full effect:
High Protein Phase
1. Start by taking Taraxatone or dandelion root
2. Try dropping your carbohydrates down to about 25-30 grams (let those be
fibrous vegetables).
3. Intake carbs first thing in the morning after a walk
4. Now up your protein to 1.5 grams to 2 grams for each pound of your bodyweight
(low to no Sodium protein).
5. Now divide your protein into seven meals, spaced 2.5 hours apart.
6. Drink between one to two gallons of Water a day while depleted of carbs.
7. Try going out for two to three 30 minute brisk walks a day, nothing more
strenuous because your body will eat your muscle tissue. Do all of these
combined for two to three days, the longer you do it the better the effect but
do not do this longer than 3 days.
Also during this high protein time, if you are having cravings take a tablespoon
of low Sodium peanut butter.
Carbohydrate Phase
1. The day before the event start eating carbohydrates moderately about 33 grams
every 2 ??? to 3 hours.
2. Cut your Water back to only sipping with meals.
3. Make these carbohydrates low glycemic, for example sweet potatoes, oatmeal,
whole-wheat pasta, etc??? Eating these carbs will make a huge difference.
If you start to lose all definition and your muscles start to become flat begin
carbohydrate phase early.
Good Luck!
By: Mark Howard
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