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Mutations of the Myostatin Gene

I know that we have all heard of the unlimited growth potential that we can accomplish through suppression of the Myostatin Gene. Yes it is very scary the possible side effects in the future, but there is an anti-myostatin antibody readily available in three month therapy dosages that can permanently, yes permanently suppress your Myostatin gene and allow you to have permanent unlimited muscle growth. Along with Myostatin suppression your body produces a totally different chain of growth factors.

In studies, one "elite" individual who was tested and had a obvious mutation of his myostatin gene, showed to produce a different strain of IGF-1, had abnormal testosterone production, higher levels of GH, and upon administration of anabolic/androgenic factors grew with a much less dosage, and responded more aggressively to these compounds.

Myostatin research is an amazing field in which I am absolutely intrigued by. When I worked for a bioscience company on the study of the TGF ??? family of growth factors, the research doctors there found that administration of Long R3 IGF-1 actually had a distinct effect on AR growth, cellular hyperplasia, cellular hypertrophy, and certain MYOSTATIN activity which bordered along the lines of total suppression.
They were unsure if Long R3 actually mutated the myostatin gene, but it does have a distinct effect on your bodies TGF ??? growth factors (Transforming Growth Factor family, of which myostatin is a member of). The effects are unsure, but are definitely in a positive direction. After three years after my Long R3 usage my "natural" body weight is 236 at around eight percent BF. Sometimes I eat once a day and haven't been able to train but four times this month due to my job. After going through Special Forces Assessment and Selection I weighed 220 after traveling a great deal on foot with a hundred pound pack and eating sometimes once every two days.
In high school my natural bodyweight was 185. When I turned twenty I was using in excess of 100mcgs daily of Long R3 IGF-1, which was unheard of. Now, clean, if I eat more than three meals daily and up my protein to as little as 230 grams daily, with the addition of training for an hour a day, I balloon. My arms are still 19 1/2 inches and I don't train them now due to my job. Long R3 enhanced my genetics to a new level, and to this day, I firmly believe, and the doctors that I worked with, believe that I in some way tweaked my myostatin gene. I just thought this might be interesting to some that ever used Long R3, and Im sure few went to doses of 100mcg's + daily! If you ever decide to Myostatin therapy (which is available out of the Czech Republic) or Long R3, be smart and research first. Just a little anabolic food for thought for Elite, and good luck.


Good luck and godspeed
Sean Bishop

Myostatin (GDF- is expressed uniquely in human skeletal muscle as a 12 kDa mature glycoprotein consisting of 113 amino acid residues and secreted into plasma. Myostatin is a member of the transforming growth factor ??? superfamily of secreted growth and differentiation factors that is essential for proper regulation of skeletal muscle mass. Studies have shown that myostatin could play an important role in cardiac development and physiology.

McPherron A.C. and Lee S.J.: Double muscling in cattle due to mutations in the myostatin gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 12457-12461 (1997)

Sharma M. et al.: Myostatin, a transforming growth factor ??? superfamily member, is expressed in heart muscle and is upregulated in cardiomyocytes after infarct. Journal of Cellular Physiology 180:1-9 (1999)

Gonzalez-Cadavid N.F., Taylor W.E. et al.: Organization of the human myostatin gene and expression in heathy men and HIV-infected men with muscle wasting. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 14938-14943 (199 

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