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Steroid Cycle Bridging and Cruising

Steroid Cycle Bridging is a process to bridge two steroid cycles together with a compound what wont restrict recovery of your endogenous hormone production and hopefully still be able to possibly carry on gaining or at least hold onto all the new tissue gained within the completed steroid cycle. The ideal bridging hormones would be Hgh, Igf and slin these would allow full recovery of your HPTA and if your diet and training are in order you should maintain the new tissue what you have gain from the finished cycle and in some cases produce further gains.

Ive seen good results and excellent blood work to support the dbol bridge protocol where only around 10mgs of dbol is used in the morning and still be able to recover your HPTA or at least recover nearly all function, yet again i feel this is an individual thing and some still find it hard to recover but ive had amazing results using this method. Ive heard some use low suppression compounds during this phase and they can recover their HPTA, i feel that coming from a cycle what as had your shut down for a few wks to swap to low suppression compounds to recover your HPTA wont have much effect and will still hinder recover greatly or at least ive experienced this, again depends on what compounds your coming off, but seems pointless trying to recover when your still taking hormones what will stop or hinder full recovery IMHO..

Bodybuilders who bridge with other steroids are only asking for trouble in the long run, infact its not bridging if your not allowing your HPTA to recover its cruising. With ever successive cycle after a cruise you will be building up tolerance within the body and greater amounts of gear will be needed to try and get new growth from the future cycles, your slowly destroying your own hormonal system by saturating it with anabolic steroids and Hormone Replacement Therapy will be the only answer and do you want to pin yourself for the rest of your life sooner than you should be doing. Ive cruised and bridge many times and without doubt you hold and produce some amazing gains the benefits are outstanding but at what cost! aging BB's seem to have no choice because of their natural test wont support muscle tissue and so Hormone Replacement Therapy comes into play. Considering cruising between cycles needs proper research and knowing exactly what your getting yourself into, I wouldn't recommend it unless your competing to be at a high level, pro status or your willing to take the risk of permanent damage.

Recovery of your HPTA is vital to maintaining your gains, some bodybuilders run longer cycles protocol's and shutdown their own hormone production for a very long time, the longer your shutdown the harder it is to recovery or at least the majority it is, shorter cycles are better for you HPTA and recovery. Would you rather shutdown your own system for 20 weeks or 6weeks? the shorter the better for recovery but also the compounds used within these cycles will make a big difference to how quick you recover, some weak low suppression compounds will be far easier to regain function but then again will you gain any kind of muscle from these products

The harder the recovery the more chance of losing the vital muscle tissue gained within the cycle because of the natural Test not supporting any of the new found gains. Many bodybuilders go back on to soon and run cycles to close together because of this reason and problems can occur in the long run. Proper time off is needed to re-fresh your system and produce greater gains in your future cycles, a good solid PCT protocol will help with recovering full function of your HPTA which in turn will support and maintain the gains from the cycle, bridging with compounds what wont suppress or shut you down would be a good option which i describe in at the start of this thread. For me cruising and running cycles to close together will produce some serious sides what will effort you for the rest of your life but the decision is yours just remember the risk's.

By Marcus300

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